Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year! 2012

In one hour we will say hello to 2012. I plan on being fast asleep by then hopefully. Campbell has been sleeping in bed with me the past couple of nights. He had a double ear infection and an upper respitory infection last week and was having trouble sleeping/breathing in his room. For some reason he can breath better in our room than in his, and yes, there are humidifiers in BOTH our rooms.

ANYWAY, I am excited for the New Year. It really is going to be a NEW year for me too. I am going change this year, you wait and see. I have big plans. Getting BirchLane up and going is one plan which I have already made big steps on. Got my website up and going (you can find it here). Ordered my first business cards today. Looked into some advertising options too with some KC magizines. I also opened my own bank account today. I did this mostly for the money that I make from all my photography. But I am also going to put a little chunk of my paycheck in there as well. I'm talking like 5% so not much, but just so there is always a little something going in. I want to save for a new iMac and a better camera. Also this year, I hope to be running my first 5K. This is of course going to be a great challenge for me. But I have the motivation and I will run and train as hard as I can. The Warrior Dash is only 5 months away now and my Dad wants to run a 5K in March on St. Patricks Day. So really I only have 3 months to make this happen. Support me if you can and help motivate me, because for some reason, Dave has a hard time knowing how to motivate me.

Anyway, I have lots of other goals/resolutions for this year, but it's getting late and I'm tired. Hopefully tomorrow I can blog about my first run of the new year. Oh man, I just remembered that there is a 5K going on tonight at midnight here in KC and it is windy as heck outside! I feel sorry for those guys.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lady, checked out your website and it looks really good! You are such an amazing photographer and I'm glad you are starting your own business! ;) Great to hear that you are running and going to do a 5k! That is awesome. Sounds like you are doing great and have some super New Years Goals. Best, Heather
