Monday, April 2, 2012

Going Green

So I'm really not much of a green person, but I do my little bit to save the earth. We use wash cloths in the kitchen instead of paper towels. We are trying to get into our budget to purchase a rain barrel to use for watering the plants this summer. While on this quest, I started thinking about how else I could be a little "greenier" without spending a fortune. Solor power to power the house?! Expensive. Growing a full on garden, time consuming and I have no where to do so. How about the easiest thing of all to do....recycle! Nope! Costs MONEY! And then I couldn't believe it. How we are slowly killing our planet and everyone is like, "Go Green" "Recycle" but pay us to do it. Think, if recycling was free, most everyone would prob do it! Why do they have to charge for such a silly thing. Anyway, there is my rant for the day.

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